Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Movie#1: Pecker

Well my day all began with buying a bag of popcorn and a drink. I then popped my popcorn and sat in the back row of the class. I got myself comfortable before the 87 minute movie began. And which movie did I watch you ask?

Of all names to call a movie I watched PECKER. Yes, that's right it is really called Pecker. This movie is about a young man named Pecker who lives in a Baltimore. He photographs random image from his home town with a 35MM camera. He planned a gallery a restaurant he worked at and was discovered by a women from New York. He was then brought to New York to have an exhibit and became famous within a couple hours.
This movie was absolutely hilarious. Not only did Pecker never change his film but the developing time was better then our times. Apparently, we don't need to keep our images in the fixer for more then a minute but two seconds works just fine. We also apparently don't need to wash our images either we can just hang them to dry. I know some people who watched this movie with me thought it was pretty painful but I find the corniest movies are always the best.

1 comment:

  1. Pecker! Such a funny movie, when I came out of that movie I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. It's odd crude humour and whatnot, I think I decided I did though. Pecker did truly have an eye for photographs though. Similar to Diane Arbus I found. He found beauty in the "uglier" things in life.
