Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Movie#3: Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

Ok so I don't have a start to my day here because I watched this in the afternoon after watching One Hour Photo. But again I made popcorn and ate some skittles also had some juice. Yum yum!!

Now this movie was a little weird. It is about 3 guys who escape from jail to find some treasure ( or so they thought). Now they walked and walked, stole a couple cars, almost got caught, made a record, became famous without knowing so and kept walking until they reached their destination.

Having watched the little clip of how they processed the film from the movie. I did noticed the changes in the color throughout the movie. If I have not seen it I don't think I would have noticed it. Of all three movies I think this was the worst of the bunch. I much preferred One Hour Photo and Pecker. This movie was a little slow paced whereas the other two kept you on your toes (especially Pecker).

Movie#2: One Hour Photo

Ok so this began a little different then yesterday. Today Tara brought in lawn chairs for her and I to sit in. I also brought lots of snacks and a blanket.

Alrighty, sit back and enjoy my blog about ONE HOUR PHOTO:D
This movie I'm sure we have all seen at one point or another. But here is a refresher if you have not seen it. This movie is about a man who works at a savmart and works in the photo lab. He becomes obsessed with one family in particular and when they bring in film he prints a copy for himself as well. When he went home it showed that he had almost a full wall of images from this family. One Monday when a young female brings in her film to be printed Sy (Robin Williams) realizes that the man in the images is the father of the family he is obsessed with. He then plans a masterful plan to rat out the father who is cheating. One thing leads to another and the police are called in to deal with him and he is arrested.

I have seen this movie before and I must say it is low on my favorite list but still a good movie. I love any movie that Robin Williams is in. I did enjoy that they showed us how a photo lab really runs. And I enjoyed that film going through the machine. Seems easier then developing film in the canisters. It was a little creepy that he was a stalker though. This gives me all the more reason as to why I would not want to send my film in. Which worries me that maybe Labworks would do such a thing.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Movie#1: Pecker

Well my day all began with buying a bag of popcorn and a drink. I then popped my popcorn and sat in the back row of the class. I got myself comfortable before the 87 minute movie began. And which movie did I watch you ask?

Of all names to call a movie I watched PECKER. Yes, that's right it is really called Pecker. This movie is about a young man named Pecker who lives in a Baltimore. He photographs random image from his home town with a 35MM camera. He planned a gallery a restaurant he worked at and was discovered by a women from New York. He was then brought to New York to have an exhibit and became famous within a couple hours.
This movie was absolutely hilarious. Not only did Pecker never change his film but the developing time was better then our times. Apparently, we don't need to keep our images in the fixer for more then a minute but two seconds works just fine. We also apparently don't need to wash our images either we can just hang them to dry. I know some people who watched this movie with me thought it was pretty painful but I find the corniest movies are always the best.